It's that time of year again....

I'm doing a 50 mile ride on June 7th in support of the Connecticut Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

If you'd like to help me support this very worthy cause by pledging your support on-line you can do so on the MS Society's secure web site.  (IMPORTANT:   when you go to the on-line pledging page please click the button under the fundraising thermometer on the one that says "donate to Phil"; not the one on the upper left hand corner of the page that says "donate/ePledge.)

Contributions in any amount are sincerely appreciated, and really do make a difference.   Thanks!


Other cycling stuff to amuse yourself with:

Photos from Vancouver (2005)

Photos from California (2006)

Photos from England and Ireland (2007) (work in progress -- I know, I'm WAY behind)

Photos from the Canadian MS Society (2008) ride in Victoria, BC


The photo at right is from this year's NYC 5 Borough Bike Tour -- 30,000 participants, and fun even in the rain.